Troy Ott
Age: 20 | State: | County: Cook | Case Status: No Investigation
Troy was a loving son, brother, uncle, grandson and boyfriend. He was hilariously funny and always had people around him laughing. He was kind hearted, always trying to help people in need. He would literally give someone the shirt off his back if they needed it. On several occasions he brought less fortunate people home with him to make sure they had a meal or a place to sleep.
Troy also struggled with anxiety which led him to get a doctor to prescribe anti anxiety meds and to self medicate. His drug of choice was Xanax. When he ran out of his prescription he would buy pills on the street or from “friends”. The last time he bought on the street he was sold fentanyl laced Xanax. He was found on a Saturday morning, unconscious, in a yard on the west side of Chicago. He never regained consciousness and passed away 36 hours later at the age of 20. The police did not collect any evidence at the scene, and did not open an investigation. They advised us that no crime had been committed and walked away. Our beautiful boy was poisoned and the police felt this wasn’t a crime. We will never have justice for Troy, but I hope attitudes will change and in the future cases like his will be investigated and prosecuted.