Timothy Howard.jr
Age: 37 | State: | County: Riverside | Case Status: Closed
Timothy was a wonderful father of 6 children. A veteran and amazing man all the way around Timmy struggled with ptsd anxiety and depression as a result of childhood trauma and the war . When Timmy came home from the war he was prescribed a high number of medications including Xanax to “help “ with his mental health issues. Instead of trying to help him sort out these problems they put a bandaid on them by using medication and then cut him off of his medications forcing him to resort to finding them on the streets. On may 7th 2023 Timmy was left for dead no one called for help after a woman gave him counterfeit Xanax laced with fentanyl and xylazine No one was charged even though there was witnesses as to who gave him the pills the same woman that stole his surveillance camera remote deleted 10 hours of footage and the police closed the case Timothy Howard was poisoned and the murderer is still walking free