Taylor Gray

Age: 27 | State: | County: Otoe | Case Status: Closed

Every state needs a law in place for drug induced death. Nebraska doesn’t have a law, nor does the government care, plain & simple. I have emailed & called the Governor & State Attorney General, with no response.
My sons last day, his last breath was in text messages, as to who, when, where. The local PD, threw the evidence away! I questioned them, “don’t you notify someone that a 27 yr old, OD, that there is A DEATH?” Response from the captain “no, who would I notify”. At that time, we assumed it was overdose. It wasn’t until 3 1/2 months later, when we received the autopsy & read .8 mg fentanyl mixed with meth. But not enough meth to kill him. It was a local girl from a family of dealers. Even though we all know who gave it to him, & enough fentanyl to kill, the DEA claims they can’t prosecute without the evidence (paraphernalia to match toxicology). So this girl lives on, just waiting for another victim. There was a witness, he got pulled over for speeding by state trooper, he got deported. So we become the victims, forever grieving.

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