Susan Silvas
Age: 17 | State: | County: Hennepin | Case Status: Open
My beautiful daughter was 17 when she was poisoned by fetonoyl laced pills given to her by her boyfriends brother and his girlfriend. The night prior to me finding her dead in her bed we were talking making plans for a Halloween party. She was talking to me about her promotion she received at work. She was a hard worker. She loved her job and the people there and they all loved her. She was loved by so many. 10/21/21 was the worst day of my life. I went into her room to wake her for work to find her dead. I remember thinking to myself that this isn’t real trying to wake her. She was so cold but I just kept trying. I collapsed to the floor just as her 4 year old brother walked in. Called 911. All I can remember is telling them to please bring her back. Them telling me that they couldn’t and crying uncontrollably.