Sherodd Myers-Graves

Age: 29 | State: | County: Mecklenburg | Case Status: No Investigation

This is my brother Sherodd. My favorite brother. Silly, lovable and well dressed man. Sherodd was 29 and soon to be 30 before he was taken away from my family due to fentanyl poisoning on October 17,2021. Sherodd was the sweetest brother I had out of 6 boys and me being the only girl. He was my twin (not literally) but always with me, his baby and only sister. He was living with me during the time his life was taken. On October 16th I attended a childhood friend of mines funeral in SC. Sherodd didn’t want to go so he went to my dad’s house while I was gone . I came back home on the 17th, did my part time job as usual, called Sherodd as usual and got no answer. Very unlikely that I’d call my brother and he not answer. I let a few hours pass and called him again and still no answer. I instantly had a bad feeling. I took a nap and woke up to the worst news of my life. My dad called and said my brother was gone. He left me 🥹. Charlotte police notified my family that my brother had been found on the side on the road UNALIVE and unclothed. No phone, no wallet no shirt, socks or shoes. Just undergarments and shorts!! We could believe it. Not our well dressed clean boy! In the end Our family didn’t get an autopsy report back until May of 2022. A few weeks before Sherodd’s 30th birthday. It was Fentanyl poisoning, enough to kill 30 people. Charlotte police never investigated my brothers case. Even after the car that threw him out was caught on camera. No investigation. We need justice for our loved ones & peace for our family .

#justiceforSherodd #Fentanylkills

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