Seth Bussa

Age: 24 | State: | County: Delaware | Case Status: Open

Seth was just about 9 days out of a 30 day rehabilitation program. He really wanted a sober life again. His 2.5 year old daughter deserved her daddy clean and sober again. Seth suffered a tremendous loss in January 2019 when his father unexpectedly passed away. Seth’s addiction got worse after that. He was still grieving the loss of his dad, trying to deal with the guilt he carried about not being there for his dad, he was searching for internal peace. Instead he got fatally poisoned. I miss my son every second of every day…his daughter, now 6, still cries for him almost ever night. I want every state to get all the justice they can out of these greedy, unconscionable dealers! The cartels must be crippled and that means making their 2 bit, punk-a$$ pushers be taken off the streets, locked up for years and held accountable for fatally poisoning unsuspecting people! My Seth thought he was getting a Percocet NOT fentanyl.
Thank you for all this organization is doing to help end this epidemic. If one mom or dad doesn’t have to feel their heart literally breaking into a million pieces or have to answer that dreaded call then your efforts are paying off…a little at a time.

Kay, Seth’s momma

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