Sarah Warren

Age: 26 | State: | County: Shelby | Case Status: Closed

My daughter bought heroin in Indianapolis Indiana early in the morning on a Monday morning she came home to Shelbyville Indiana which is a totally different county used the fentanyl and died her case is an open closed case because it’s in two different counties there’s really nothing that we can do at this point my daughter had a problem with drugs from the time she was 16 years old and it escalated to heroin when she turned 24 from the time she was 24 till she was 26 she was in and out of jail seven times so out of those two years she was maybe free of drug use for about 4 months which was September till December of 2020 unfortunately she lost her battle in December and started using again and it literally only took one week one week and my daughter has been gone almost 2 years this year.

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