Ryan White

Age: 30 | State: | County: Baltimore | Case Status: Unknown


Ryan was fighting addiction to self- medicating.

Only after his drug induced homicide by fentanyl did one facility respond to say they now had space.  Ryan was found on November 23, 2022.  We reached out to many and completed intake forms for many.  I did not get a response from anyone until December 27, 2022, but it was too late by then.

He and his girlfriend were found by her Mom.   There is supposed to be an investigation;  however, we are not getting any information that it is ongoing.

Law enforcement has not even tried to help me unlock his phone to track where he may have went the night before he was found.

He was a loving caring person, Son, Uncle, Godfather, brother and Step-Father.   Loved the beach and playing with all the babies and children.   I am forever broken without my son on this earth.  It is only the families that have suffered the loss of their child, family member from drug induced homicide that I connected with that help me stay on this earth to help fight drug induced homicides.   Hopefully we can save lives and keep other families from having this trauma.

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