Rider Clemandot
Age: 21 | State: | County: Shelby | Case Status: Closed
Rider had Anxiety/Depression starting in Jr.High. His friend brought Loratab from his father’s medicine cabinet and told Rider to take one to see if that made him feel better. This began Riders long road of addiction. Rider tried so many different ways to stay clean ( Psychiatric, Counseling, Medication and Rehabs) but his addiction was too strong. December 2016 Rider decided on his own to go to a Dual Diagnosis Facility in Memphis, TN. He took a large amount of Klonopin for the flight. When Rider was at intake he told the rehab what he had taken. Rider was sent over to the emergency room to get cleared. The Doctor cancelled the test Rider just taken. The Doctor said he didn’t think Rider really took that many because he showed no effects. The hospital sent Rider back to the facility telling them to keep an extra eye on Rider. Riders night medication was more Klonopin, Diazepam and for no reason Suboxone and sent him to bed. Rider got up to tell the nurse he didn’t feel right about 1 am and she thought he was trying to get drugs and sent him back to bed. In Detox the patients are supposed to have 15 minute checks. At this rehab they didn’t do that. Rider passed away sometime in the middle of the night and found the next morning at shift change. We hired a lawyer to get the answers we deserved and wasn’t getting from the facility. We wanted to hold this rehab accountable for the lack of care they gave Rider and all other patients.