Richard Royer
Age: 18 | State: California | County: Riverside | Case Status: No Investigation
Richard was 18yrs old. He was starting Barber school in 3wks and was the father of a newborn baby girl when he was stolen from our lives by Fentynal Poisoning! He had just graduated high school and was planning a wedding. He had goals. He had a plan that was irrelevant to the dealer who gave him a death drug.. Richard died in the bathroom of my home. He did not deserve to die from a mistake or a fake pill. Richard was so smart. He wanted to go into politics and wished to make a change.. He believed in Bernie Sanders because he grew up willing to share his last meal or give someone the shirt off his back. Richard was loved by so many. He was an old soul who loved anyone and everyone. It didn’t matter to him their social status or what kind of car they drove. Richard would chew the fat with a homeless person to a missionary. Now his daughter has to learn about her father from us. 2nd hand. She is robbed of her future with her father due to Fentanyl!
Our family is forever altered due to greed.. LAWS MUST CHANGE