Olivia Black

Age: 28 | State: | County: Anne Arundel | Case Status: No Investigation

On January 4, 2022 I found my daughter ‘s lifeless body in her apartment. Memories of her lying slumped over the arm of her couch like she was just walking and just fell over mid stride. Her lower legs and arms hanging over were blue. I touched her and she was ice cold. The next time I saw her she was being carried out in a black body bag, I asked the coroner to unzip the bag so I could touch her one more time. These images  are branded in my soul, and will forever overshadow my life.

She was murdered by taking alprazolam laced with fentanyl. She did not want to be an addict, she did not want to die. She fought SUD with everything she had. She didn’t give up she was taken not by choices of her own.

My world has completely changed. Reality is unacceptable. I’m in disbelief, my Olivia is gone. My Olivia is gone. No matter how many times I say this, It doesn’t seem real. I don’t want it to be real. Her dreams will never be fulfilled.

I’m sure  Olivia would want to continue to help others by sharing her legacy of  not only her inner beauty and compassion for others  but also her struggles with SUD and how her life was stolen.

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