Nathan Kartak

Age: 30 | State: | County: Le Sueur | Case Status: No Investigation

Nathan  touched the hearts of everyone he encountered. His charismatic nature and innate desire to help others were evident from a young age, reflecting his kind and compassionate soul. Despite enduring the scars of childhood trauma, Nathan remained resilient, a soldier at heart, he tried  to face life’s challenges head-on. He loved his family and friends, football,  kayaking, or playing video games online.

However, the shadows of his past cast a dark cloud over Nathan’s life. Severe panic attacks plagued him, leading him down a path of self-medication in a desperate attempt to numb the pain. Tragically, one Saturday afternoon, my beloved Nathan made a fatal mistake. What he believed to be Oxy turned out to be Fentanyl, and his precious life was stolen from us at the tender age of 30.

The pain of losing Nathan is indescribable, a wound that will never fully heal. His passing serves as a stark reminder of the devastating consequences of untreated mental health issues and the dangers of self-medication. We  remember Nathans infectious smile and giggle, his unwavering love, and the countless lives he touched with his sweet gestures of kindness. Nathan has forever altered my life, by his life and his death. He is so, so missed. I told him that I would run into a burning building to save him, but I could not save him from the deadly poison that was hidden in a little blue pill.

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