Mounir Osman

Age: 29 | State: | County: Harris | Case Status: Closed

Mounir is my middle son. Everyone called him Max. Max loved his family and friends deeply. He loved grilling, poker, crabbing, sports and was passionate about boxing. Sadly Max struggled with his mental health and childhood trauma. Max suffered from severe depression and anxiety. He was diagnosed with Bipolar disorder days before his death. I did my best to help him get professional help for his mental health. Unfortunately our mental health system is very flawed and Max fell through the cracks. Max turned to Xanax to help alleviate his mental distress. Max was really trying to improve his life. He was in his third year of college. He was majoring in Kiniseology. He wanted to be a coach teaching kids sports and especially boxing. One day Max fell and busted his elbow. He had an X-ray done but nothing showed up. A long time friend told him he knew a guy that sold pain killers. Max purchased what he was told were Percocet. Which they  turned out to be counterfeit pills that contained Fentanyl. On the night of July 1,2021 everyone went to bed just like every other night. The morning of July 2, 2021 was just like every other morning. As the day went on I thought Max was sleeping in late like he sometimes did. I thought to myself he might be feeling ill let me go check on him. When I entered his room I immediately knew something was wrong. He had been sitting on the edge of his bed and laid back and died. I remember he felt very cold. I knew he was gone and had been gone. I don’t remember after that. No there wasn’t much of an investigation .The detective in his case told us there was not enough evidence to charge the guy in a court of law. With that they closed my son’s case.  We, Max’s family, know exactly who provided him with the counterfeit pills..

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