Mickey Perez

Age: 34 | State: | County: Potter | Case Status: Unknown

This is my son Mickey. He loved being around family.  He had a hidden talent for drawing. He would draw super hero pictures for his younger cousins. In his 20’s he was in a car accident that left him with a life time back injury. He took what he thought was Oxycodone and on June 15,2022 his dad thought he was sleeping in and around 10am decided to wake him up only to find him unconscious. He attempted compressions and when EMS arrived they also attempted to revive him. About a month later we found out it was pure Fentanyl. I want his story told because I hope that others will see that they can’t trust these drug dealers.  He leaves behind a beautiful 14 year old daughter that he loved dearly. A mother should never have to bury a son.  He is now known as Mickey forever 34


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