Logan Harris

Age: 22 | State: | County: Defiance | Case Status: No Investigation

Logan was so loved by all who knew him. He was funny, kind to all, a respecter of people, he had a zest for life like no other. His life was cut short by illicit Fentanyl, he was deceived to death.
One of Logan’s best friends died by hanging 10 months prior to his poisoning. Logan became very depressed and couldn’t sleep. He trusted someone to help him get some sleep, one pill is all it took put him to sleep forever. He thought it was a safe pharmaceutical Xanax. It was all Fentanyl.
Our Justice system failed my child by not fully investigating his death, by not having stricter laws in place for the pill pushers, and by not monitoring social media platforms. Where is Homeland Security? Where is the protection for the American people? Where was/is the public announcements from our POTUS on the dangers and deaths from the fentanyl that’s saturating our Country?  China and Mexican drug Cartels are making billions of dollars without any regard to human life, killing 300 people in the USA each and every day!
Our whole family has forever been changed the day my Child’s heart stopped beating due to drug induced homicide! The day he died, so did we, his family who loved him beyond measure, life will never again be the same without him. 💔🕊Logan Harris🕊💔 you are forever loved, forever missed and forever 22 💔 Momma will never stop talking about you, you deserve to be remembered and you deserve justice, my beautiful child 💔

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