Kaden Chapel

Age: 15 | State: | County: Howard | Case Status: No Investigation

Kaden James M Chapel Forever 15 💜 Born 07/06/06 – 11/29/21. He was one of the most loving , loyal , caring young men you ever wanted to meet. He was always there for the underdog. He was found by his older brother whom was only 17 at the time already gone and there was nothing could be done at that point as he has been deceased several hours at that point. The scream of finding him from his brother is one I will never forget. Just one half of a counterfeit pill was found in a cellophane with him. He was in pain from a toothache, we knew that and he was supposed to go see a dentist the next day . We can only assume where he got the pill or how he obtained it. The coroner was very matter of fact that this was a drug overdose and how he must have been an addict and how we probably wouldn’t have known as addicts hide it so well. I don’t believe for a minute he was an addict and I definitely don’t believe he wanted to die . The pill was fentanyl and benadryl mixed as a buffer , then pressed to appear to be a blue M 30 which we later hear most are always fentanyl. That’s not an overdose that a murder by deception period . The police simply don’t care . They treated us and our deceased loved one like it would have happened sooner or later anyway because of this addiction they were so quick to pin on him , without any proof he was an addict. He was just a child whom made a mistake and took something for pain , and even if he had been an addict that certainly don’t mean anyone has a right to deceive him with something that will kill him. The stigma that comes with a poisoning is horrifying, the labeling is simply outrageous. We need to do better by our children and anyone with an addiction issue as it’s a disease anyway. We need education. We need harm reduction. We need so much as this snake has many heads that all need to be cut off quickly because we are loosing children at a rate that’s unbelievable. We are now the voices for our children that are gone in an instant and we are resilient and won’t give up . My child lived , my child’s life mattered and I will never give up in his name until this problem is stopped. I fight for him and every other child out there that’s died from this and for the children that are still living so that they won’t die . Kaden James was so much to all of us a brother, a cousin, a son , a nephew, a grandson, a great grandson , a friend, a fighter for the underdog. So in his name we fight for the victims of addiction and drug induced homicide. Kaden James M Chapel forever 15 💜.

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