Joshua Weaver

Age: 31 | State: | County: Knox | Case Status: No Investigation

October 4th 2022 has become the worst day of my life. I received a phone call telling me to come to Johnston Street in Knoxville TN. The caller said it had to do with my son. So I pulled up to the address and was taken across the street to an empty house that had a dilapidated old shed in the backyard. And when I got to that shed there laid my baby boy inside that shed dead. I immediately started screaming and crying and threw myself on top of his precious body and did not move until the police showed up and dragged me off of his lifeless body. His wallet, cellphone and earbuds were gone. So there has been NO investigation into my son’s death, like his life didn’t matter!! I then had to call his father and tried to call his estranged wife(she did not answer). So we waited for the autopsy to come back and my son was poisoned with a BOLUS aka Hot Shot of 3 different forms of fentanyl, methamphetamine, heroin and cocaine. He left behind 3 beautiful little boys that will never get to grow up knowing their dad. My heart is broken and I keep reliving this nightmare every night. 

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