Joshua Fox

Age: 44 | State: | County: Winona | Case Status: Closed

My son, Josh, was poisoned by Fentanyl on August 2, 2022. Josh was a father to a 24 year old son, 20 year old daughter and a 14 year old son just entering high school. Josh through years of bipolar and PTSD had lived the last 12 years primarily meth free. Somehow in the months prior to his death he began using again. He had told me two weeks prior to his death that the real pandemic was fentanyl, people were dying and no one was talking about it. I wasn’t listening completely to him, as with my son there was typically a lot of information in his conversations, but they were usually things I wasn’t totally understanding or didn’t think applied to me. I am so sorry I didn’t pay more attention. I am sorry I couldn’t get him the assistance he needed. He tried for years to be seen, heard and understood only to be made to feel more ostracized and frustrated. I hope to honor him with finding ways to help persons with mental health issues and substance use disorders to be seen and heard and helped.

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