Jonathan Tolbert

Age: 27 | State: | County: Saint Clair | Case Status: Open

My son Jonathan had a smile like sunshine.  He was loud, funny and would give the shirt off of his or my back to help anyone in need.  Jonathan had fallen off of a lake dam at the end of March and had to be air lifted to the hospital and was put on life support.  He almost cut his arm off.  After being released we were going back and forth to the surgeon every couple of weeks.  At his next appointment they were going to refer him to pain management.  They had said it would take a couple of years for the nerves and muscles to mend back together in his arm.  On May 11, 2023 my son went out to the garage to smoke a cigarette.  I went out about 30 minutes later and found him on the ground unresponsive.  I called 911 and started CPR.  They worked on my son and transported him to the hospital.  When I got there, they gave me the worst news of my life!  My son did not make it.  The only thing that I can assume is that he got some “pain medication” from someone and it was laced with fluorofentanyl and fentanyl.  This was listed on the death certificate.  My son was poisoned and gone in a split second.  He only had a few days to go until his next appointment.  My youngest beautiful son that had lived out loud and overcame so many traumas in his young life was gone in the blink of an eye.

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