John Swing
Age: 26 | State: | County: Davidson | Case Status: No Investigation
John was a very loved son brother uncle and friend to all who knew him. He had a very promising career in a local store and was in the position of customer service manager. He always loved dogs from the time he was a little boy till the time he left his little fur baby with us. John was a happy boy and at the age of 16, he started to become depressed. An acne medication his doctor prescribed for him brought the depression on and as soon as he told his doctor that he was not feeling good they took the medication away. This started a tail spin of depression and trying to find the right medication to help him with the depression. Finally we found one that helped him. John’s teenage years were not the easiest but by the Grace of Jesus Christ he was able to get through them. Fast forward to his early twenties John told us that he was gay and he was nervous about some of the family members not accepting him. Everyone reassured him that he was still very loved and nobody would ever turn their backs on him. So he met someone and they eventually were married. We had lots of family get togethers and John never missed coming to them even if he had been working all day he would still show up. Family was important to him. We instilled this in both of our children from the beginning. He also valued marriage and he was there with his family for his parents 40 year vow renewal. This was in 2020. But he and his husband couldn’t make it work and John didn’t want to see other people while he was married so he filed for a divorce. He also had severe anxiety and was going through therapy for this. The morning of March 31,2021 he had a therapy session. I had talked to him after the appointment and he was very irritated. His therapist told him that he passed the drug test but she didn’t want to give him anything for his anxiety. I told him to lay down and take a nap since he was off work that day. I tried calling him later on in the day to see how he was feeling. John and I were very close. I couldn’t get him on the phone so I went to my dads for a while, still trying to call him and text him but no response. I went back home and told his dad that I needed John’s key to his apartment and I explained why. His dad and I drove to his apartment, took about 12 minutes to get there. The door was locked so my husband unlocked the door and the only light was on in the bathroom and a lamp in his living room. His little dog was sitting on the couch waiting for his dad to feed him. I know that was the intention because he had Jesse dish and food on the counter. My husband went to the bathroom first and found John slumped over. He panicked and told me he didn’t know if John was alive. We laid him on the bathroom floor, he was already dressed for bed and I immediately started CPR on him. My husband was calling 911 for them to send an ambulance to the apartment. The operator on the phone was talking to me as I was working on trying to revive my son. I knew deep inside that he had already left this earth and gone to Heaven with the angels but I couldn’t stop trying to bring him back. EMTs finally arrived and after checking they confirmed every parent’s worst nightmare, our beautiful son was gone. The police were there and honestly I don’t remember much else except for calling his sister and her husband and my dad and my sister. I knew drugs were involved but I also knew that John didn’t have a problem with drugs other than smoking pot. I’m not trying to make him out to be a saint by no means but we knew something was not right about the whole scenario. The police treated it as if he had overdosed but no John did not overdose, he was poisoned and if I had to say it till my time here is over my son was murdered. If you can remember when Tylenol was contaminated years ago this is no different. Poisoned by fentanyl. His autopsy report came at least a year later and on his toxicology report it states that he was positive for thc and that was the only drug in his system. The cause of death is reported as fentanyl poisoning not an overdose of anything else. Read this again. Fentanyl poisoning took our precious son away from us. Our lives are forever changed and we can only hope and pray that this doesn’t happen to others. Lord be with us all