Jesse Byrd

Age: 26 | State: | County: Anne Arundel | Case Status: No Investigation

My son Jesse Byrd was in a car accident in 2011 and was taken to  shock trauma for his injuries.  Jesse was given opioids  after his surgery. At no time did any doctor or nurse ever discuss with me the dangers of opioids or pain medication. Jesse became addicted to those pain pills and he also struggled with anxiety. After a few attempts at rehab through the years he made up his mind to get his life back on track and of his own choosing went to inpatient rehab on January 17th of 2022. He was recruited by someone in the inpatient treatment facility to come to a sober home in Annapolis. It was not known at the time to Jesse or myself of the bad reputation that this sober home had of not supporting people in recovery.  Jesse entered Stella house on February 11th 2022 and he was dead the morning of February 16th 2022 five days later after entering that house. There were 10 guys in that house when my son died. It was only after my son’s death that I became aware of the illegal activities that were going on in that house. Jesse was a loving, kind, humble, precious child with a beautiful smile and he did not ask to die and he did not want to die!  Jesse was poisoned by Fentanyl. I miss him every single second of every single day.

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