Jarrod Coppock
Age: 37 | State: | County: Santa Rosa | Case Status: No Investigation
Jarrod was an addict for many years. He did rehab a few times but could never overcome the addictions. He was clean for a few weeks prior to his death. He was refused a visit with his son for the Christmas holiday, this I guess sent him over the edge. From what we know he took the money he had saved up for his son’s Christmas and bought something to help kill his pain. He got the drugs from a dirty dealer. His death was ruled an accident by the medical examiner, but we know he was murdered by the dirty dealer. The only solace I have as his mother is knowing that this group of dealers have been busted in a sting operation (11 of them). Hopefully they will get the sentences they rightfully deserve. Several people in the community have been murdered by this group of dealers. They were busted on the 25th or 26 th of December. 2-3 days after my sons death. How I wish it had happened before maybe my son would have been spared.