Jared Abbott

Age: 23 | State: | County: Travis | Case Status: Pending

Jared was very smart, artistic, athletic and a good writer.  He won an art award at the Houston Rodio, and he also won writing awards from various places. Jared had such a good heart, and he was very giving and loving, and he was loved by so many. He also loved the beach, sunrises and sunsets. He had so much to offer this world, but it was all taken away from him, Jared could had made a difference in this world, Jared was only 23.

Jared got some Percocet and Methamphetamine from someone. Jared did not have any Percocet in his system but a deadly amount of fentanyl. Jared had left to go to Austin and a few days later he was found on the side of a gas station in Austin Texas, he had lay there all night long and nobody bothered to see if he was okay. Someone confessed to seeing him lying there that night but did absolutely nothing until the following morning when this person saw him still laying there in the same position.  By the time help arrived it was too late, Jared was gone. His belongings, ID, bank card, wallet etc. was all missing and they had to use fingerprints to ID him, we did not find out until three days later that my baby son had died, and that an autopsy was done on him during those three days also. Jared’s family has been devastated and forever changed by this tragedy. A bright light in this world has been dimmed.  As his mother, I feel like I have been sentenced to life of pain and suffering because I live his death every single day, it feels like I just lost Jared every single day.

There has been an ongoing investigation since Jared’s death.

Cheri Abbott

Jared’s Mom



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