Jacob Robertson

Age: 15 | State: | County: Augusta | Case Status: Closed

Jacob purchased what he assumed was a Perocet. I found him in his room on March 29, 2021. My son lived for 6 days, at first doctors could not find what was wrong with him until his blood tests came back with lab based Fentanyl in his system. Tests showed that Jacob would never be able to walk, talk, breath on his own…at this time I had to make the awful decision to take Jacob off life support. He passed away on April 3, 2021 with myself and my oldest daughter at his side. Jacob left behind his older sister who adored him, an old brother and his younger sister, who thought it was nothing like her brother.

Jacob’s dealer received 2 years for contributing to a minor. The pills that this young man had on his person at the time of his arrest, were from the same batch that was given to Jacob. All tested positive for Fentanyl. He was still trying to sell them even after Jacob had passed away and after the police had already conducted one search warrant.

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