Iyan Warnick

Age: 22 | State: | County: Palm Beach | Case Status: No Investigation

My son Iyan was a talented and gifted musician he played any song on the piano by ear, he also played the tuba,oboe,violin, bass. He learned how to fix cars, motorcycles, and cars, he was self taught. He had a penchant for helping anyone in need literally gave the shoes and shirt off his back to a homeless person. He was murdered, someone gave him cocaine laced with fentanyl and it cost him his life. He fell asleep and was snoring on the floor and everybody just left him there. They robbed him of his belongings before an ambulance was even called. He was a bright light and shining star to everyone that new him. The police closed his case a week later said it was accidental. I fought for them to reopen the case and it wasn’t until two and half years later I filed a complaint with the police department because the detective on the case wasn’t returning my phone calls. Two days later she called me and said they had jail broke my sons phone a month after he was killed and that I could come pick it up. When I did it wasn’t even his phone. I had a fighting chance to save my sons life but a friend of mine who saw him two days before he was murdered said he didn’t look good and gave him her number to call if he needed anything he texted her the night before he was murdered and said he wasn’t ok and instead of letting me know she told six weeks after the funeral in which she did not even attend. Someone snuffed out his life and didn’t even bat an eye and isn’t being held responsible no one where he stayed at is talking. I know my son was murdered because a year prior he had been shot and two weeks later he was stabbed and then he died in the same location someone wanted my son dead and now all I have is pictured and memories. I just received the crime scene photos and it broke my heart all over again. Iyan had a heart of gold and was willing to help anyone even if he didn’t really have it to do it he found a way. Iyan left behind his now 13 yr old brother who became suicidal after it happened and now I live in fear and despair that my younger son will fall victim to the same thing that murdered my beloved Iyan. Hold your children close tell them you love them try to do your best to help them do not turn away when they are in need. They are your legacies they will carry your name into the next generation my son Iyan never had children so my bloodline didn’t continue with him. He is Forever 22 and will remain so until I die. He will forever remain in my mind my heart my soul I love him he is NOT forgotten his name will forever be remembered on any drug awareness site his face is on them. I love Iyan and I miss him terribly. I love you Iyan and I miss you love always Mommy the old lady and the shoe! 💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜

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