Hunter Hamilton
Age: 15 | State: | County: Tulsa | Case Status: Open
Hunter was a special kid. he was overt, smart defiant and he could harnessed the power to cause a riot, but yet be the politest kid in the room. No matter what he did, he did it to 100% whether it was gymnastics Taekwondo, soccer, or his passion skateboarding. He had a drive and determination like no other. I remember one time when he was younger he did a backflip off of a chair and hit his nose, which landed us in the emergency room for 5 to 6 hours just to find out it was swollen and the very next day he comes running inside Mom I did it. He did another backflip off that chair because he didn’t do it right the first time. on December 30 of 2021 I got the call that no parents would ever want. Hunter called to tell me that he was blue. I told him that he needed to call 911 and to get help he said they were already there so I rushed over to his house as I approach the ambulance is driving away. I was told they were taking him to Saint Francis. When I arrived at the hospital, watched 10 or more people work tirelessly for two hours to revive my first born child. At this point I was asked if I wanted them to continue but in his opinion it was just hurting him. So I had to make the hardest decision and say goodbye to my beautiful son. Hunter made a bad decision that day deciding to experimenting will illicit drugs but he didn’t ask for fentanyl did not want to die that day. He was poisoned, deceived and murdered.