Ernesto Rodriguez

Age: 69 | State: | County: Cook | Case Status: No Investigation

Many will not pay mind to this because of his age. My father Ernesto Rodriguez forever 69 yes he was a grown man but never in his life knew what Fentanyl was. Ernesto worked hard throughout his life to care for his family he was a great car mechanic, he also would help people out there that needed a hand. He enjoyed his guitar and the many instruments he had especially his cuatro. Ernesto made everyone laugh with all his jokes. He adore all his daughters and especially his 14 grandkids. He battled so much in life and never gave up. Unfortunately, Oct 20 2021 in Chicago Ernesto was poisoned by Fentanyl he was found in a public park bench unresponsive by his daughter. CPR was performed but he passed in his daughter’s arms. My father deserves Justice and no case investigation at all. My father was not garbage his life mattered. I do not wish this trauma I have to anyone. We need better laws and Justice to be served Fentanyl Poisoning is taking so many lives of all ages and each of them mattered!

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