Eric Hudson
Age: 22 | State: | County: Shelby | Case Status: Open
Eric was 22 when he became my angel. He loved his family. His daughter and son the most. He became a father at 15 and again at 19. He was as an amazing father despite his young age. He was a talented mechanic. He could fix anything on any car and enjoyed it so much. He had decided he wanted to go to school and become a certified diesel mechanic. He wanted to work on 18 wheelers. He loved music. All different types. He was shy and kept his circle of friends small but was so funny when you got to know him. He had 8 months clean when he relapsed and bought $10 worth of heroin but it was pure fentanyl. Four times the lethal amount and he only did a small amount. He was gone so fast nothing metabolized in his system. I found out who sold it to him and waited patiently for the toxicology report to come back and news on the investigation. Almost six months later toxicology report came in the mail but the detective on his case wouldn’t answer my calls or return them. I hit wall after wall. I learned of an event being held on the street my son died on for the homeless addicts (an amazing program still going on to date and has helped so many addicts) I found out the organized crime unit was going to be there undercover seeing if they could spot dealers. So I went and it ended up being across the street from the McDonald’s where my Eric passed. I approached them and stated the detective on my son’s case won’t communicate with me, here is the toxicology report where he only had fentanyl in his system (which makes it so much easier to prosecute) here is the picture of the dealer. Someone needs to speak with me. They pointed to a man and said he’s the sergeant of the heroin task force. I walked up to him gave him the same speech he said show me a picture of your son and his name. It ended up the sergeant was on scene with my son that night. He said I’m sorry no one will ever be prosecuted because Eric didn’t have a cell phone and he’s seen on McDonald’s video alone walking across the parking lot, went into the restroom alone and no one else entered the restaurant. I said who cares I have the picture of the dealer and multiple people has said it was him. Hear say he said, if no one will go on record and testify in court it doesn’t matter. I said one of the homeless addicts on this street sometimes sells for the dealer and his name and number is in my phone and he’s in jail go talk to him. He said I can’t I have to have a person tell me they have seen that and I document the person telling me that then I can go talk to him. WHAT if this was a shooting murder you take anonymous leads and question anyone. He said call me on Monday that was a Friday. Over the weekend Tennessee had I believe 27 overdoses so he was to busy to talk to me for a couple of weeks. During that time I investigated. I spoke to several of my son’s using friends who I knew very well from over the years. They all confirmed which dealer it was and I learned five of his aliases and his real name. I found two of his Facebook pages and they weren’t private so I could see what he did and he went on Facebook live ALOT. I learned what kind of car he drove, the color and tag number. I did a web search and found out the address he used and that he had family that lived there. If OCU couldn’t or wouldn’t go after him for my son’s drug induced homicide they would go after him for dealing and guns and get him off the street and behind bars or I would become their worst nightmare for life. I called the sergeant everyday for a month leaving messages requesting a face to face meeting with him because I wasn’t going away. He finally called me and told me to come the next day to OCU. I’m pretty sure he did this in his mind to pacify me and make me go away. I arrived with all my information. Voice mails from Eric’s friends saying what they knew, a message from the dealers ex girlfriend who knew my son giving me information. He started off by saying nothing you tell me will change the fact that nobody will be arrested for Eric’s death. I started at A and went to Z. He said that I had given him names that they didn’t have on him. He had been arrested before. The car was a key piece of information. When I was done he said. I’ll never call you and say he’s been arrested for Eric but I will call you one day and tell you we got him and he’s going away. That’s the best justice I can do for Eric. I said I want federal charges and no less than five years in prison because I’m not going away without anything less. They began to watch him and then ten months later it happened. He was arrested for SO many federal drug dealing charges from selling to informants and two federal gun charges. He was associated with a gang running a fentanyl ring. So others were arrested also. He had a million dollar bond and a year later he was sentenced to fourteen years not to run concurrent. I was blessed the majority of families NEVER see this type of outcome. The dealer just gets to keep in living a free life. None of this was as easy as this reads but I couldn’t give up. I drove myself so crazy by obsessing to get some type of justice. Eric’s case will stay open the sergeant said. Maybe one day some information will surface to cause an investigation and a arrest and conviction. I miss and love my son very much. Forever Eric’s voice