Eric Heinlein

Age: 42 | State: | County: Hocking | Case Status: Pending

This is my ex husband Eric AKA Joe, he is also my Sons Daddy!  This is a man who  struggled with addiction since he was 14, due to severe childhood trauma. There isn’t a person alive who could say that he didn’t truly try to find recovery many many times. This is a man who was so super intelligent and had the biggest heart! He would save others before he saved himself. He was an amazing Daddy when he could keep himself clean. Addiction or not this man adored our son! Unfortunately he had just gotten out of prison 2 weeks prior to being “poisoned”.  Our family will not give up on finding where this poison came from! He was taken way too soon! His son said “mommy I didn’t get much time with him” our son is 10!  So not only was he cheated,  so was our Son!

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