Drew Estep

Age: 24 | State: | County: Monroe | Case Status: Pending

Drew fought a long hard journey through addiction. He traveled to many states while always completing rehab after rehab. Sadly he lost his battle. He had reached out for help moments before that last deadly use. He used the words I’m tired of feeling like this. I know in my heart he was in so much pain. He was poisoned that last time using with only fentanyl. His dealer has been arrested and the initial hearing is Feb 8 2023. It was a long two year battle for seeking accountability. I am very thankful for all of the hard work that was put into my sons case. None of this would have ended up with accountability if I would have accepted the let downs and dead ends along the way. I would not stop fighting for my child and these terrible murders.  Drew never wanted to die. None of our loved ones wanted nor deserved to be deceived by poisoning. We all need to raise our voices and be heard.

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