Devon Decker

Age: 29 | State: | County: Northampton | Case Status: Closed

Devon suffered with stomach pain for quite some time. He was to 2 different doctors and got 2 different diagnoses.  He never knew what was actually wrong with him and I had no idea he’d turn to Percocet (illicit) to try to alleviate his pain. It was quite a devastating shock when I got that phone call that he was gone.
There was a pill in a bottle next to him that had the markings of Percocet. I don’t even know if they had that pill tested or not, but there was NO Percocet in his system. The toxicology report showed Fentanyl, marijuana, and Tramadol.
There was an investigation, or lack there of. I don’t think they followed up on a lot of things and they certainly did not talk to enough people, even the names of people I would mention to them.  They had his phone and claimed it gave them no information. I know I’d find something in there if I could get into his phone, which is one of the many things that angers me to no end. (I gave the detective the passcode to get in, now I can’t access it. Seems fishy if you ask me).
Soon it will be his 3rd Angelversary.  It’s been really rough.  Unfortunately there are so many others that know exactly how I’m feeling.  I know Devon did not want to die.  He never would intentionally leave his son and all his other loved ones, just like that.  Gone.  Forever.
I hope and pray other parents don’t have to go through this but unfortunately it’s happening every day.  God help us all.


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