Delaney Farrell

Age: 23 | State: | County: Lycoming | Case Status: Closed

Delaney was living in a court appointed sober house and working as a chamber maid for a local hotel after getting out of prison and her last rehab. A few days prior to Delaney’s poisoning,  there were about 50 other near death poisonings in a 24 hour period in the same town due to the supplier adding Carfentanil,  which is an elephant tranquilizer, to his supply of heroin. All those people were lucky enough to have someone save them, but unfortunately,  Delaney died in the hotel lobby bathroom all by herself, and was found about 12 hours later by a hotel guest. Because of the information on Delaney’s phone, and witnesses from the other poisoning,  the police were able to arrest three dealers and one supplier. Unfortunately,  because there were no willing witnesses in Delaney’s case, these guys were never charged with her homicide.  However,  they were charged with trafficking and got between 16 and 25 years each.. .which we all know will probably be a lot less when they get released. Even though Delaney was  a victim,  and I supposedly had victims rights, the dealers sleazy lawyer somehow convinced the judge not to allow me to read my victim impact statement.  Looking back, I definitely feel like more could have been done and the law enforcement in that town just doesn’t seem to care. The morning I called them and asked them to go to the hotel to look for her, they basically refused. A few hours later we found out she died from a Facebook post, and I had to call them back to verify it was true.  Nobody seems to care about us or our kids, that is for sure

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