Daniel Fisher
Age: 21 | State: | County: Hamilton | Case Status: Closed
Daniel was my first born son. He was so smart and one of the most gentle loving souls I’ve ever known. He loved to catch all kinds of different critters and build them homes in his bedroom. He loved animals and to fish. His hero was Steve Irwin the crocodile hunter. He cried so hard when that man died, you’d think he was close family how upset he was. Same with the movie The Fox and The Hound, he cried every time that old dog died yet he watched it over n over again. Old Red was his favorite country song that he played often. He was a hard worker as he grew into a man and began working at Staples right after his 16 the birthday. He was always up and ready for school. Never got in trouble, made good grades and was friends with everyone who knew him. He met his high school sweetheart the beginning of the 10th grade and fell deeply in love with her. She was 4 months pregnant with their first child and engaged to be married in 2 weeks when he was deceived with a fake oxycodone on June 16th of 2016. He had been in a fender bender accident on his way home from work that day and asked a trusted friend for a pain pill. We are unsure the time of his death but his last phone call was with my daddy, his papaw at 7:49pm. I was awakened at 1am by several officers standing on my front porch. Those knocks and their faces will be imbedded in my mind for eternity. When the detective asked me if I had a son named Daniel, I could never be prepared for the next words that came out of his mouth. His face was stone cold serious as he said “We found your son Daniel tonight and it appears he had an overdose”. My legs crumbled as if they had been knocked out from under me and I could do nothing but scream… Please no, God please no!!! Take me to my son please… please let me see my baby 💔 Daniel was poisoned to death by illicit fentanyl hidden to look like a oxycodone yet they declared his death to be an accidental fentanyl overdose. They never made an attempt to arrest anyone because he wasn’t stabbed or shot, it would be too hard to prove they said so whomever sold him his death sentence would never be brought to justice and was free to remain on their killing spree all for a few measly bucks! Daniel did not want to die that day. He had big future plans for his little family he so dearly loved. He mattered so much and deserved to live. It’s hard to get past the day he died because of the injustice behind his death. Young people are supposed to learn from their mistakes not die from them. He will never be forgotten and I will fight to my death trying to save others from the pain we live with daily. Daniel was a great kid and had so much to offer this world. My heart is forever broken having to live without him in my sight.