Christian Wilson Sr

Age: 19 | State: | County: Yadkin | Case Status: Closed

Charges on the dealer were filed 14 months later bc that’s how long it took to get the toxicology report back.  He was arrested and in jail with the charges for felony murder. He had a $500,000 bond and bonded out. He was then arrested 16 months later on trafficking charges as well as multiple others. Had a 1.2 million dollar bond and bonded out. Case kept getting continued. Then 3 months later he was arrested with a death by distribution charge on another guy who died 2 months after Christian. Charges for that case we’re dropped bc the witness didn’t keep his story straight. Charges on Christian’s case was dismissed bc the witness was poisoned by fentanyl as well and they failed to get a sworn statement from her before she passed away.

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