Christian Alessi
Age: 28 | State: | County: Camden | Case Status: No Investigation
Christian Alessi was 28 years old when he took what he believed to be Xanax , unfortunately it was laced with fentanyl and he was poisoned to death by 110ng of fentanyl. The detective questioned us and his girlfriend only .they took his phone but said they were unable to get into it and therefore there was nothing they could do to pursue a case. we were informed that no charges could be filed either if Christian had other drugs in his system other than fentanyl. After I requested the police report and read it I noticed there were things written that were wrong in the report. I was home with my son at the time of this event and witnessed what had happened I also noticed on the medical examiner’s report it stated that my son had no tattoos and that was wrong also. We had asked the police to question a friend that had met with my son the night before his poisoning and who we suspected gave the drug to him but that never happened. My sons death was listed as accidental on his death certificate which I believed should be drug induced homicide