Chase Baack
Age: 21 | State: | County: Palm Beach | Case Status: Closed
Chase was found in a hotel, I sent the police for a well check and they were too late. He was badly beaten and given carfentynal. My belief because Chase had relapsed the Saturday a week prior, he went back to his sober living and back to detox for a week. During detox he was in blackout with no phone. I believe he owed the dealer money, the following Tuesday after detox he took a cab to pick up his check, I followed his cell phone calls, he met with the guy probably to pay him back and I believe that’s when he was beaten and given a hot shot. He had already called for a friend to pick him up the next day saying he needed to get out of there. He had money on him still to pay gas money to get home. When I found where he was thru the cab driver and calling the hotel I sent the police for a well check. There was a criminal investigation because of the condition of the room and the condition of his body. They said the dealer was a known dealer and being watched by DEA but they could not charge him without a witness to the sale. They checked video and interviewed the cab driver and hotel staff. I have kept watch on the dealer and he is finally doing time with charges in 2022 for trafficking fentanyl and heroin.