Anthony DiGiovanni

Age: 25 | State: | County: Ocean | Case Status: Open

My son, Anthony, passed away on November 23, 2022, at the young age of 25.  He was a father to a beautiful daughter who was only 2-1/2 at the time of his death.  He was a big brother to his sister, Ava.  Together they had an unbreakable sibling bond.  Most of all he was my only son, my firstborn child.  Anthony struggled with addiction for 10 years.  It ripped through our family like razor blades.  He mentally struggled in life, having extreme dislike of his person.  However, Anthony was a great friend and support system for others who also struggled in life.  He helped many people get into rehab and clean, all while he himself was suffering.     At the time of his passing, Anthony was clean and just landed a new job.  He was on the right path until relapse happened.  He was with my daughter the day a message came on this phone, a message that changed our lives forever. Anthony told his sister who it was, and that this person offered him heroin.  His sister begged him to ignore the offer, which at first he did. However, at some point later, Anthony ended up getting the heroin.  That night when we were all asleep, Anthony used.  I’ll never forget the sound of his fiancé’s feet running to my room, telling me Anthony is snoring bad and won’t wake up.  I knew what to do, and his sister and I did CPR and used Narcan.  It wasn’t working, and Anthony was turning a pasty gray. The EMTs came quickly, but after an hour or so, they told us they couldn’t save him.  My world ended at that moment.  We told the police about the phone message and who it was.  They  told me there will be a criminal investigation, and they took his phone. That’s where it stopped. No investigation, no court order to get in the phone, no return calls.  My son died from Acute Fentanyl Toxicity, as shown on his death certificate, not an overdose.  He was poisoned. Yet, nothing has progressed.  I’m angry and devastated. I want justice for my son.  I want his murderer to pay for taking my son from his daughter, from all of us.  My life will never be the same, and neither will I.

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