Angelina Rogers

Age: 21 | State: | County: Denton | Case Status: Pending

Angelina was beautiful and talented. She had a heart of gold. She suffered for years from endometriosis. She had he first surgery in August 2019 and still suffered with alot of pain. In 2020 she graduated cosmetology school. She was saving money to start her own microblading business. She also became manager at her job she worked at for 4 years. Angelina had alot of pain still and in August 2020 she had her second surgery for endometriosis. The pain only got worse. On October 20, 2020 Angelina was offered a pain pill which she was told it was oxy and took half of it. Angelina was found unresponsive and we spent 3 days with her on life support. Angelina Marie RogersĀ  passes away at 11:59 pm October 22, 2020. She is truly missed and loved. Her legacy lives on through her family

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